Glare Agro is an organization registered by various departments of the Government of India and State Governments. The organization has a comprehensive system managed by the Farmers and Agriculture Department of India. Glare Agro is a leading organization in providing soil testing reports of farmers’ lands and helps farmers in providing information about their crops. Provides information on the recommended quantity of fertilizer to be used. And provides suitable fertilizers and pesticides to the farmers at reasonable rates, the organization is working in different parts of the country with soil testing and water testing labs.


Our Motto is “QUALITY”. Our focus always remains on providing unparalleled quality products to maximize customer satisfaction. Right from sourcing to the final phase a strict vigilance is kept by our quality experts.


The objective of Glare Agro is to save the soil fertility from degradation by examining the land of farmers and providing them timely reports. And by stopping the unbalanced use of fertilizers and pesticides, by providing information about the recommended quantity of fertilizers to the farmers and promoting organic farming, along with providing pesticides and fertilizers to the farmers at reasonable rates, by maintaining mutual relations with the farmers through their efficient and accomplished officers.